Monday, March 08, 2010

Troubleshooting car problems-Diagnose for a reason

Why do we diagnose?In fact there are few engine problems need to be diagnose using a machine.In most cases diagnose wouldn't solve anything,it is depend to our experience.I am not denying what machine can do to diagnose and rectify problems but in such cases diagnose machine won't solve anything.If we are solely driving the car sometimes we can know the exact problems by ourselves.

There are few car users tend to send cars for repair without taking a first impression to check first before sending to mechanics or workshop.These will exactly waste time and money for such repairs.We could reduce the cost for repairs if we as a user take a first impression on our car.

We will send cars for diagnose machine for certain reason as below:-

1.-Engine knocking-too noisy
2.-Engine trembles
3.-Engine sign"check engine" is on
4.-Engine idling unstable
5.-Engine wiring malfunction

Those are the few reason why we have to use machine to diagnose the problems.Those problems are exactly direct to engine wiring and system.Small wiring problems such as fuse burn or wire cuts diagnose machine cannot solve the issue.That is why only a certain case the machine will trace the precise problems.

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